Meal Plans + Grocery List Recipes + Cooking + Wine PairingS + Sharing
Get weekly meal plans, buy groceries, cook faster, tastier & healthier, get your meals paired with wines! save money, and time. PLUS romance & save your family by Love Making The Table.
4 WEEK MEAL PLAN – Recipes
Take Care Of Your Body. It’s The Only One You’ve Got.
We only take good care of our bodies when we cook for ourselves, when we make the habit of using food and wine as medicine daily we are literally saving our lives and YES our families.
Find Food+Wine Recipes
4-Week WiNEisFOOD Plan: A Guide to Eat Wines for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
I will teach you HOW to eat wines instead of drinking wines STEP by STEP. The WiNEisFOOD program will allow you to enjoy both food and wine together and not feel guilty. WINE IS FOOD is a movement + community that brings food, wine and the people you love TOGETHER (whether near or far) via the SOMM@HOME experience/in-home events and “winebinars” (remote events). WINE IS FOOD promotes the enjoyment of wine as a food product, and the art of pairing wine with food (with the signature WINE IS FOOD “pairing style”). WINE IS FOOD enforces the virtue of “Eating Wine Responsibly.”
Our Blog
INTERVIEW WITH ONE OF HENRY AGUILAR. We wanted to find out what good service meant for different people or professionals in this industry and we decided to start with the workforce of this field. Our first interview took place in NYC, the restaurant capital of the...
THE PLEASURE OF BEING SERVED Each one of us of us gets a particular realization when we invite guests to our house and serve them our best food and treat them well. It is very pleasurable when we become guests and somebody serves us in a cordial manner, it makes us...
THE EXPERIENCE OF DINING THE TABLE “Its not a surprise that the most important events take place around the dining table, dining is a long time pleasure tale of sharing food, family and friends” Chefs, Guest, Restaurants, and Food have a universal relationship and...